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Recycler Blamed for Warden Attack

 · 3 min · The Homeland Herald

Recycler blamed for warden attack in Cubiza that killed 1

Homeland Herald Attack

Seppuku • Two wardens were discovered in Cubiza on Tuesday, in an attack that led to the death of TheBashfull and briefly pushed Cubiza and Diña closer to the brink of war.

“I joined via mobile Tuesday morning and was greeted by a sudden darkness,” said Unstable_Cube, recounting the traumatic experience. “Tuesday night, I joined together with Bash … When we dropped into the core of The Cube, we were greeted, not with one, but with TWO wardens.” The Cubizans were able to kill the first warden while the second warden escaped into the nether portal, with Bash in pursuit. “Bash was hit several times while his body was still being transported through the portal. Once he came to, he was left shocked by the sight of only having four hearts left. On the way back through the portal, he was struck by the sonic shriek of the warden and died.”

Fortunately, the wardens only caused minor damage– aside from Bash’s untimely death. But that didn’t stop Cubiza from pointing fingers. One of the wardens was named “Lemon’s Dishwasher”, gifting Cubiza the target they craved. Not to be humiliated, Cubiza quickly retaliated.

“Today, the Cubizans attempted to kill me,” LegalLemon68927 told The Homeland Herald. “I was at the Goodwill [in SoVal], and Bash and Cube came into the shop. The air was rather tense, but I tried to continue looking around. I blacked out momentarily, and when I was back, I was losing health fast. I was able to save myself with a pickaxe. They had placed netherrack where I had blacked out in order to kill me.”

But Cubiza’s wrath had been misdirected. It wasn’t Lemon who delivered the wardens to Cubiza, but TheRecycler. Recycler admits that she moved the wardens, but she also claims that Lemon paid her to do it. Lemon denies his involvement: “Cyclie seems to be on a kick to frame me,” he said. When pressed for evidence of Lemon’s involvement, Recycler claimed that the messages were deleted.

In another twist, Recycler named SlammerDoc as her accomplice in the warden scheme. SlammerDoc responded, “I freely admit I made a way to produce an army of wardens, but I did not know, and still do not know, any plans for them.”

As of now, Cubiza blames TheRecycler for the attack. “We are unsure yet if more investigation is necessary,” said Cube. “We believe there were ulterior motives.” He also hinted at possible legal action against Recycler. “We will await for orders from The Cube on what actions will need to be taken. As for now, we will strengthen the land of Cubiza and prepare The Cube for anything that comes its way.”